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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gifts Ideas for the Caregiver

Having been a caregiver now for almost three years I believe I might have just a tad bit of an idea of what would be the most awesome, and thoughtful, gifts for caregivers. I think other caregivers will agree, at least I hope so. But if you're stuck and don't really know what to get for family members or friends who are caregivers here's a list of Gift Ideas for the Caregiver as seen through my eyes, so to speak. 

Clothes and Pajamas

Caregivers are on the go a lot, quite often it's to the ER. Nothing worse than looking in the hospital mirror and find out you're clothed in whatever was the first thing you laid your hands on (even if it's from the laundry hamper). To have a wardrobe filled with comfortable yet stylish clothes would bring a smile to any caregiver. Pajamas that don't really look like pj's are also appreciated. Sometimes a caregiver's duties can start at 5 in the morning and we forget to get changed till the doorbell rings. 

Macy's PJ's and Robes Clearance

It's true, I love chocolate; chocolate covered marshmallows on a stick. Yum! Even Dad, who's diabetic can have some dark chocolate once in a while. I have to say there's nothing better than chocolate.

Gifts baskets, too. Give me some Gouda Cheese with Salami bars and table water crackers in the mix. Love! These can last a while for a pick-me-up during the everyday days of caregiving. Yes, please don't overlook the simple gifts. 

This might get a little tricky. But trust me, this would make the most appreciated gift. Think about having to provide 3 meals a day, plus healthy snacks in between, for the ones a caregiver is looking after. Not having to worry about dinner makes such a huge difference. We use HelloFresh and it has saved my sanity. Two meals a week lasts us four days, sometimes we have leftovers, but not often. 

The tricky part of course is that you as the gift-giver would have to sign up with this service and receive the meals or you can send it direct. You can skip a week of meals if you need to. But if all family members, or a group of friends, could pull their finances together and give the gift of fresh home-made dinners, that would be amazing. 

Caregivers need shoes. They need easy to put on, comfy, supportive shoes that will match any outfit. But more importantly to keep the feet and soles happy and healthy. Pushing Dad in a wheelchair all over Sea World, for example, is quite the accomplishment. Good shoes; Happy caregiver.

This is also a great gift for the caregiver's patients.

Coloring Books

Coloring is very calming. It's good for the soul of a caregiver, but it's also a great option for the loved ones in their care. Coloring outside the lines is totally acceptable, so are purple cows, and polka dot rainbows. My mom will take a few hours a day to enjoy this art form. 

A gift card from Starbuck's
For movies or food
Any restaurant is welcome, 
Even a Scratcher or two

A day at a spa
A massage for sweet care
Or just a few days
If you gift a TimeShare

A gift card from Walmart
For there are the gift cards
All waiting for you

Most caregivers, at times, have felt lonely, alone, isolated, and even forgotten. Sometimes all it takes, and not just at Christmas, but maybe more so at Christmas, is a hug, a phone call, or bring by something you homemade just for them. It's amazing how anything homemade can make one feel special. Etsy has made a business out of it. Pinterest is filled up with it. Make them something special and have yourself a blessed and Merry Christmas.


  1. This is a lovely post. Such good ideas and such a good reminder - that caregivers can feel alone, lonely, and forgotten. What a wonderful thing it is to bless them with something like the items you have in this post. Bless you!

  2. Keeping your list for future reference. I've thought of some of these things before and rejected them, thinking they might not be good enough or useful enough. Now I know better. Thank you.

  3. Fabulous ideas! I passed then along via Facebook and Twitter. Merry Christmas!
